"There is but one cause of human failure and that is a person's lack of faith in his true self. ~ William James
Leadership is all about stepping up, being your true self, and daring to take risk when conventional wisdom says not to.
Authentic leaders are curious, compassionate and vulnerable.
People are inspired to follow a leader, even though they don't have to.
And, a true leader exemplifies an attitude of service - toward co-workers, direct reports, bosses and customers -- and toward their greater community at large.
High potentials should know their talents, and be able to use them to maximize their performance, and want to uncover what holds them back, to grow as leaders.
Even the best and the brightest need support. Never let your stars stagnate.
Keep them engaged
Harness their ideas
Encourage out-of-the box thinking
Push them to challenge the status quo.
The Coaching Process
A preliminary background discussion with coach and HR
A goal setting meeting with coach, HR and the employee
A "fit" meeting with the employee and coach
A mid-year check in with key stake holders (for 12+ month engagements)
A completion (or renewal) meeting with coach, HR and the employee
Deploynew assessments, to paint a current picture & enhance the process
Relevant Personal interviews will be conducted as a supplement or in place of a formal 360, depending on client needs. Interviewees will be approved by HR & coachee to ensure that balanced, constructive feedback is procured
Follow up interviews may take place after 6-12 months of coaching to determine movement.
Creating a Strengths Development Plan:
A Strengths-based Development plan will be created by th coachee
Structures to mitigate weakness will also be identified, but will not be nearly as important as building upon strengths, as a vweakness fixing focus rarely spells success
The Coaching:
Bi-weekly coaching sessions (once the Development plan has been approved)
Coaching conducted in-person or by phone (the latter being highly recommended for coachee privacy, communication confidence and convenience)
Initial packages of 6-12 months depending as desired, with renewal options available
Status Updates:
It is incumbent upon the employee to provide regular status reports to HR/supervisors or key stakeholders. (The coach cannot violate confidentiality by discussing the content of coaching sessions with very rare exceptions related to the employee's personal safety or to the safety of others.)
The coach will advise HR that coachee is showing up to all sessions with commitment
Post Coaching
The coachee will create a Key Achievement Report, highlighting accomplishments during the coaching period and present it to HR/Manager
The key stakeholders, including the coachee, would determine if coaching is complete after 6 or 12 months, or if coaching will be renewed.
Coaching renewal necessitates goal/development plan review and approval.