You want your teamto be high-perfoming. To be the best.
...Do you know what each team member is really good at?
...Do you think about how their collective talents can be maximized to create maximum results?
You see, teams are well-rounded, but individuals aren't...
Individuals are really great at some things, not so much at others. And that's ok. Nobody is great at everything. Nobody. So it's really important that individuals invest in their talents to become the greatest versions of themselves.
Sure they have to manage their weaknesses so they don't get in anyone's way, but way too much focus is on fixing weaknesses and that's just not where greatness comes from. Greatness comes from recognizing what we're naturally gifted at and working on those talents, till ideally, we hit mastery. It becomes our strength.
Now imagine everyone on a team did that.
Imagine allocating tasks to people based on their talents and what they naturally loved to do.
Imagine how engaged people would be if they got do to what they do best in the way that they uniquely liked do it!
Can you imagine the power of that team?!
To find out how to bring a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach in to work with your team or organization, CLICK HERE.