So the other day, I was in a checkout line and the cashier was counting out my change, putting singles into my hand, one at a time. As she grabbed the last single, she accidentally tore the dollar bill in half.
"Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed in surprise, "I didn't know my own strength!"
Now this got me thinking. She's probably right. Who among us really knows our own strength? So often we are easily defeated, or don't even want to try something because we just fundamentally believe we'll never succeed. That something we'd really want to accomplish is just way beyond our capability.
I thought about how in moments of greatness -- true greatness -- we are amazed to see that we have just accomplished the unaccomplishable -- we stand in awe after succeeding -- realizing just how wrong we were moments before trying, doubting ourselves.
And I thought about the power we have with words -- we can build someone up or tear them down in a nano-second. And we might not even know our impact. From the child who is forever changed by an inspiring teacher, to a parent who tells a child they are nothing, and they begin to believe it.
"I didn't know my own strength..."
What if we stopped believing the toxic lies of what we "can't do" and what's "impossible"? What if we really stopped to notice the impact of our words and deeds?
What if we set our intention to raise the spirits of every child who comes along our path, of every stranger with whom we come into contact? What if we truly noticed those we love most -- really noticed -- instead of maybe taking them for granted as we sometimes do?
What if we set an intention every day to make the world a better place in some tiny, hardly noticeable way? What if we all did that? What would the collective impact be? Can you taste it?
Let's not be asleep. Let's know our own strength and how we want to use it. Let's create a world heretofore unimaginable -- what we truly want for ourselves and those around us.
Let's wake up our neighbors (metaphorically, no phone calls at 3am) and combine our strength with the strength of our neighbor...Let's wake and join forces with every person we come across each day. What would that look like? How strong we would be! How much impact we'd have!
So what do you want to create? What have you told yourself you are too "small" to do? Great, you can't do it yourself. Enlist your friends, and their friends.
What if tomorrow you woke up and took the first step toward something really transformational? What if we all do it?
What a legion of strength and possibility we would be! A deep force for good. We will know who we are, we will see our strength, and be in focused action!
Perhaps we will stand in amazement of what we have achieved together, smile and think to ourselves,
"I didn't know my own strength. But now I do."
Debby Rauch Lissaur, CPCC
ICF Certified
Leadership and Life Coach
[email protected]
Optimism, Inc. ...It's all good.
"Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed in surprise, "I didn't know my own strength!"
Now this got me thinking. She's probably right. Who among us really knows our own strength? So often we are easily defeated, or don't even want to try something because we just fundamentally believe we'll never succeed. That something we'd really want to accomplish is just way beyond our capability.
I thought about how in moments of greatness -- true greatness -- we are amazed to see that we have just accomplished the unaccomplishable -- we stand in awe after succeeding -- realizing just how wrong we were moments before trying, doubting ourselves.
And I thought about the power we have with words -- we can build someone up or tear them down in a nano-second. And we might not even know our impact. From the child who is forever changed by an inspiring teacher, to a parent who tells a child they are nothing, and they begin to believe it.
"I didn't know my own strength..."
What if we stopped believing the toxic lies of what we "can't do" and what's "impossible"? What if we really stopped to notice the impact of our words and deeds?
What if we set our intention to raise the spirits of every child who comes along our path, of every stranger with whom we come into contact? What if we truly noticed those we love most -- really noticed -- instead of maybe taking them for granted as we sometimes do?
What if we set an intention every day to make the world a better place in some tiny, hardly noticeable way? What if we all did that? What would the collective impact be? Can you taste it?
Let's not be asleep. Let's know our own strength and how we want to use it. Let's create a world heretofore unimaginable -- what we truly want for ourselves and those around us.
Let's wake up our neighbors (metaphorically, no phone calls at 3am) and combine our strength with the strength of our neighbor...Let's wake and join forces with every person we come across each day. What would that look like? How strong we would be! How much impact we'd have!
So what do you want to create? What have you told yourself you are too "small" to do? Great, you can't do it yourself. Enlist your friends, and their friends.
What if tomorrow you woke up and took the first step toward something really transformational? What if we all do it?
What a legion of strength and possibility we would be! A deep force for good. We will know who we are, we will see our strength, and be in focused action!
Perhaps we will stand in amazement of what we have achieved together, smile and think to ourselves,
"I didn't know my own strength. But now I do."
Debby Rauch Lissaur, CPCC
ICF Certified
Leadership and Life Coach
[email protected]
Optimism, Inc. ...It's all good.